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Unions rally outside Hard Rock Casino Rockford

Saying that the Rockford Casino Rockford would be better off recognizing employee unions rather than engaging in an expensive anti-union campaign, a coalition of unions held a rally Friday outside the casino.Calling it a “Rally for Respect,” Rockford United Labor President Sara Dorner said forming unions to represent the casino workers would give them a voice and allow them to share in the success of the casino. Dorner said valet drivers and warehouse workers have already voted to form a Teamsters union.”The workers are steadily organizing,” Dorner said. “We’re expecting votes to come through over the next couple months, but we would really like to save time and energy with the casino. We don’t want them to have to put all their time and money and energy into busting this up when it’s going to happen.”Dorner said the casino has hired anti-union lawyers in an effort persuade workers not to form unions. But she aruged organizing the remaining employees is only a matter of time and casino officials would be better off simply recognizing them.More:Here’s how Rockford plans to spend $7M in gaming revenueA coalition of six unions under the banner of Rockford Casino Workers United includes the United Auto Workers, Service Employees International Union, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, International Union of Operating Engineers and UNITE HERE.Rockford Casino Rockford President Geno Iafrate said in a statement that the casino offers industry-leading compensation, benefits, training, support and advancement opportunities. He said that the casino already respects all union and non-union workers, pointing to the project labor agreement it inked for construction of the $360 million casino resort.Iafrate also points out that union labor already represents a large percentage of the casino team. Casino officials are negotiating contracts with Unite HERE Local 450, the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 399 and Teamsters Local 325.“Hard Rock Casino Rockford is thrilled with the contribution of our more than 900 team members who recently launched our exciting new property, surpassing expectations in our first month of operation,” Iafrate said in the statement. “Our team members are the heartbeat creating authentic experiences that rock for our guests as they enjoy the casino’s gaming, dining and entertainment options.”United Auto Workers Local 1268 President Matt Frantzen said area union leaders have offered advice and encouragement to casino workers, but it is ultimately up to them to organize. If they do unionize, Frantzen said, table game dealers, poker room dealers, cashiers, sports book workers, bankers and count room workers would form a UAW union, winning the right to negotiate for pay, benefits and working conditions.”We are basically talking them through the process. letting them know that it’s truly their union they are trying to form — we are just there to help,” Frantzen said. “We have a coalition of six unions that are helping with different sectors but we are all working together.  Jeff Kolkey writes about government, economic development and other issues for the Rockford Register Star. He can be reached at  (815) 987-1374, via email at and on X @jeffkolkey.

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